Global solar photovoltaic (PV) demand could reach 20.4 GW in 2011, according to Solarbuzz.
17 December, 2010
Following yesterday’s UK electricity market reform announcement, the renewable energy industry has largely given positive responses, but there are also one or two warnings about the cost for end-customers and potential disruptions.
17 December, 2010
The proposals for reforming the UK electricity market to include more low-carbon and renewable energy have been announced by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).
16 December, 2010
SunPower Corp has closed its €195.2 million solar bond issuance associated with the company's 44 MW Montalto di Castro solar park in Italy.
16 December, 2010
A consultation to be released later today, suggests ways of reforming the UK electricity market to include more renewable and low-carbon energy.
16 December, 2010
The Scottish Government is looking at how to better exploit Scottish renewable and low-carbon energy sources through the publicly-owned utility Scottish Water.
16 December, 2010
The Czech Republic has amended its solar photovoltaic (PV) support scheme so that solar PV plants qualifying for a fixed 20-year feed-ion tariff will now have to pay tax on the revenues generated.
14 December, 2010
The UK Localism Bill sets out to return more power to local communities, which could be both positive and negative for renewable energy developments.
14 December, 2010
The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) says no solution has yet been reached at the international climate talks at COP-16 in Cancún, Mexico, but that the road ahead is starting to emerge.
13 December, 2010
Private equity firm Nevis Capital has acquired UK small wind turbine installer Shetland Wind Power Ltd in a multi-million pound transaction.
10 December, 2010
Earlier and greater certainty about the level of support available to large-scale renewable electricity projects will be provided under the UK Renewables Obligation from 2013, according to UK Energy Minister Charles Hendry.
09 December, 2010
Private investments in G-20 clean and renewable power projects could total US$2.3 trillion by 2020, according to the Pew Charitable Trusts.
09 December, 2010
Wind power can and must make a significant contribution to saving the climate, according to international wind industry representatives at the Global Wind Energy Council´s (GWEC) ‘Wind Power for a Low Carbon Economy’ conference at COP-16 in Cancún, Mexico.
09 December, 2010
Conergy AG is selling off its German and French wind development and operating business to an investment fund managed by Impax Asset Management, as part of its programme to refocus on its core solar business.
09 December, 2010
The European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) has presented evidence in support of an accelerated deployment of photovoltaic (PV) solar electricity across the globe to bring clean energy to both the developed and developing world at COP-16 in Cancun.
08 December, 2010
Suntech is setting up a 1.2 GW capacity solar photovoltaic (PV) joint venture (JV) at its Wuxi campus in China.
07 December, 2010
The UK Committee on Climate Change’s 4th carbon budget recommends a 60% cut in emissions relative to 1990 by 2030, and another 62% from then to 2050 to meet targets in the Climate Change Act.
07 December, 2010
The European Commission is set to review the exemption for the solar photovoltaic (PV) industry from the RoHS Directive for dangerous substances.
06 December, 2010
An energy efficiency and micro renewable energy generation company, Anesco, has been set up by Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) and zouk ventures.
06 December, 2010
The Scottish Government has announced an annual award under the auspices of the Saltire Prize for marine energy innovation, for contributions to the development of wave and tidal power; the award is to be presented in March 2011.
06 December, 2010
A report on support for renewable energy among young people in the UK shows that a large majority are positive to renewable energy.
03 December, 2010
SunPower Corp will build a 3.4 MW ground-mounted solar power plant in the Lazio region of Italy for E.ON Climate and Renewables Italia Solar Srl.
03 December, 2010
UK electricity producers caution against support for an Emission Performance Standard by Energy and Climate Change Committee.
03 December, 2010
The offshore wind industry has moved from a niche market to a maturing industry, however securing funding and low returns on investment are major issues for players in this sector, according to KPMG.
02 December, 2010
The global solar photovoltaic (PV) market is predicted to see double-digit growth in 2011, growing to 19 GW, but the German market is predicted to decline.
02 December, 2010
Trina Solar has more than doubled its net income to US$82.9 million in the third quarter (Q3) of 2010 compared to the same period in 2009.
01 December, 2010