Cromarty Firth Port Authority (CFPA) is becoming a renewable energy centre for import, logistics and storage of wind farm components.
29 May, 2010
The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) is urging the EU to go for 30% emissions cut to keep the EU’s renewable energy leadership.
28 May, 2010
The UK Department of Energy and Climate Change’s Energy Bill will implement a ‘green deal’ for energy efficiency, and says it will deliver low-carbon energy. At the same time, DECC is cutting £85 million in spending...
28 May, 2010
The PV Legal consortium has launched a comprehensive online database with data on project development processes and bureaucratic barriers hampering solar photovoltaic (PV) systems in 12 EU countries.
27 May, 2010
The world will install 107 GW of green power by 2035, up from 44 GW in 2007.
27 May, 2010
Climate Change Capital Private Equity (CPE) has invested a further £7.5 million into its majority owned portfolio company Climate Energy, an energy efficiency services firm.
26 May, 2010
The new UK Energy Secretary told press at All-Energy that the government is very much committed to renewable energy, but also that it remains committed to oil and gas.
21 May, 2010
The new UK coalition Government has outlined its collective plans for a low carbon economy, which according to analyst Frost & Sullivan presents significant opportunities for the rejuvenation of the chemical industry in the UK.
19 May, 2010
A new report from the Offshore Valuation Group concludes that the offshore renewable energy industry in the UK - using less than a third of the total available resource - could generate the electricity equivalent of 1 billion barrels of oil annually, matching North Sea oil and gas production.
19 May, 2010
An immediate ban on further support payments under the German incentive scheme for solar heating, biomass and heat pump installations has been ordered by the German Ministry for Environmental Affairs.
18 May, 2010
Plug Into The Sun, a solar PV installation company has launched a scheme for investors to benefit from the UK's new Feed-in Tariff (FIT).
18 May, 2010
Oerlikon’s net loss in the first quarter of 2010 amounted to CHF 104 million, compared to a loss of CHF 167m in Q1 2009. Solar thin-film sales are struggling, however.
18 May, 2010
Spanish wind turbine maker Gamesa’s net profit fell 75% in the first quarter of 2010 to €8 million in a difficult macroeconomic environment.
14 May, 2010
In order to tackle the energy challenges of Europe in the future, a regional approach should be employed, according to a white paper from the Assembly of European Regions (AER).
13 May, 2010
The new Conservative / Liberal Democrat coalition in the UK stands firm on renewable energy, but disagrees on nuclear.
13 May, 2010
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has released roadmaps for solar PV and concentrating solar power (CSP), predicting that the two solar technologies could generate 9000 TWh of green power in 2050.
12 May, 2010
Conergy recorded a net loss of €5.1 million in the first quarter of 2010, compared to a loss of €27.9m in Q1 2009.
12 May, 2010
The Australian Government will commit A$653 million over four years to establish a Renewable Energy Future Fund.
11 May, 2010
Two self-propelled jack-up vessels purpose-built for installing offshore wind turbines have made Great Yarmouth's EastPort UK their home port.
11 May, 2010
Phoenix Solar AG has gone from a consolidated loss of €5.98 million in Q1 2009 to a profit of €2.8m in the first quarter of 2010.
11 May, 2010
Q-Cells’ consolidated loss for the first quarter of 2010 amounted to €46.4 million, compared to a loss of €391.9m in Q1 2009.
11 May, 2010
SolarWorld profit slumps 77.8% in the first quarter of 2010 to €5.3 million.
11 May, 2010
Proceeds from the issuance of ‘Climate Awareness Bonds’ will finance future lending projects in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
11 May, 2010
Centrosolar recorded net earnings of €4.4 million in the first quarter of 2010, compared to a loss of €6.3m in Q1 2009.
05 May, 2010
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) says its Asian solar energy initiative will generate 3 GW of solar power over the next three years.
04 May, 2010