SMA Solar Technology AG’s profit soared 127% in 2010 to €365 million, but the company warns of growth stagnation in 2011.
30 March, 2011
PensionDanmark and PKA will acquire 50% of the Anholt offshore wind farm for DKK6 billion from DONG Energy.
29 March, 2011
In the UK, the first Fuel Cell Black Cabs – developed by a consortium led by Intelligent Energy – have taken to the roads of London for the first time since being awarded 'road legal' status by the national Vehicle Certification Authority.
28 March, 2011
The UK budget for 2011 has been released setting a floor price for carbon and upping the initial capitalisation of the Green Investment Bank. Although largely welcomed by the industry, some point out that it could be too little, too late.
24 March, 2011
Fallout from the UK Government's decision to massively curtail the growing solar PV industry in the UK continues, with criticism coming from many quarters.
22 March, 2011
HyRaMP, the European Regions and Municipalities Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, is broadening its support of fuel cell vehicles to also include battery electric vehicles.
22 March, 2011
The €170 million project will reportedly provide 8% of the island’s electricity generation capacity.
21 March, 2011
Senior figures from Indian Government and business have backed a new report by international NGO The Climate Group, which describes how a low carbon development path is the only one that will guarantee future prosperity for India.
21 March, 2011
The Fast Track consultation on the UK feed-in tariffs have been published, sparking anger among the industry with warnings that it could leave UK solar “strangled at birth.”
18 March, 2011
The UK is making changes to its Renewables Obligation scheme to “ensure that the RO stimulates deployment of new renewable generation to meet our 2020 targets.”
18 March, 2011
Claude Turmes took the opportunity at EWEA 2011 in Brussels to attack the lack of binding policies, the use of nuclear power and the lobby of the “low-carbon gang”.
17 March, 2011
At EWEA 2011 in Brussels, Belgium, the wind industry raised the question of what politicians mean when they talk about low-carbon energy as opposed to renewable energy.
17 March, 2011
The EU needs to adopt binding renewable energy targets for 2030 to ensure long-term investment, according to the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).
17 March, 2011
The Renewable Energy Focus team is at the European Wind Energy Association's annual conference and exhibition EWEA 2011.
14 March, 2011
A study by SBI Energy shows that the thermal and digestion waste-to-energy market is to be unaffected by the global economic downturn, forecasting the annual global market for all technologies combined are to exceed US$27 billion by 2021.
14 March, 2011
French solar photovoltaic (PV) feed-in tariff is being reduced to €0.12/kWh.
11 March, 2011
The proposed UK carbon price floor is not enough to create investor confidence, according to Climate Change Capital (CCC).
11 March, 2011
UPS Systems has signed an innovative distributor agreement with Air Liquide Hydrogen Energy, to offer three new hydrogen fuel cell systems to end-users in the UK. This is a first for the UK market, and part of UPS Systems’ approach to broaden the use of fuel cells in the UK.
10 March, 2011
ProjectForum4t2 has launched an online international marketplace for solar photovoltaic (PV) project rights and existing systems.
10 March, 2011
The UK Government has launched a £860 million renewable heat incentive (RHI) making payments to household available from October 2012.
10 March, 2011
International clean technology asset management group I2BF has opened an office in Dubai with the aim of facilitating further investment in the region.
10 March, 2011
An ambitious vision for Europe’s energy sector over the next 30 years has been published by the European Commission.
10 March, 2011
Wind turbine manufacturer Gamesa is expanding its presence in India by building new manufacturing plants and a wind power technology centre.
10 March, 2011
The UK-based hydrogen generator company ITM Power has got its wide-ranging Hydrogen On Site Trial (HOST) program under way, with a well attended launch event yesterday at its inaugural partner, Stansted Airport.
09 March, 2011
Hoppecke Batterien GmbH, a leading German manufacturer of industrial batteries, charging equipment and energy systems, has announced a partnership with US-based ReliOn, a leading provider of high reliability fuel cell solutions for backup power applications.
09 March, 2011
Suntech saw a tripling in net income in 2010 compared to the year before, reaching US$262.3 million.
09 March, 2011
Germany-based biofuel company VERBIO has received approval for its second biogas plant to be built in Schwedt/Oder, Germany.
09 March, 2011
Mitsubishi Electric has welcomed an increase in the UK’s feed-in tariff for solar technology to take into account inflation.
09 March, 2011
The UK renewable energy and associated industries have voiced varied reactions to the UK’s Carbon Plan, from calling it a “positive first step” to criticising Government for not listening to the industry.
08 March, 2011
Renewable energy could supply 26.7% of China’s energy consumption by 2030, although the more probable middle scenario sets the share at 20-22%, according to the Centre for Renewable Energy Development (CRED).
08 March, 2011
The UK Government has published a Carbon Plan setting out action points and deadlines to reduce carbon emissions and increase the use of low-carbon and renewable energy sources.
08 March, 2011
The UK’s Energy Minister has outlined a low-carbon plan for the UK but will not back a specific renewable technology.
08 March, 2011
Delegates at a renewable energy conference for Latin America and the Caribbean have called for investment into the region.
08 March, 2011
Feed-in tariffs for the Italian solar photovoltaic (PV) industry will only remain stable until the end of May but the solar market will not be capped.
07 March, 2011
As part of a media partnership deal with the forthcoming Hannover Fair, we have managed to secure complimentary tickets for our readers...
04 March, 2011
In late February, the French Government proposed to substantially raise feed-in tariffs for biogas, while dropping tariffs for solar photovoltaics (PV) by an equivalent amount.
04 March, 2011
The Smart Cities initiative emphasises the importance of heating and cooling with renewable energy in Europe.
03 March, 2011
The two companies have agreed to form a specialist infrastructure development team for renewable energy.
02 March, 2011
Global offshore wind and solar energy markets continued to grow steadily last year, according to Ernst & Young.
02 March, 2011