The Carbon Trust is to inject up to £18 million in additional funding into the UK clean and renewable energy sector, providing a booster for clean tech start-ups and Britain's move to a low carbon economy. The additional money has been provided by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.
29 October, 2009
Rhone Resch, president and ceo of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), has called on the solar industry to "enlist" in the fight to secure a policy environment that allows solar to compete with other forms of energy.
28 October, 2009
Professionals within the US solar electric industry value chain predict strong growth for their businesses over the next two years, and say more favourable legislation and heightened marketing will be key to their expansion.
28 October, 2009
Wind could also attract US$10 billion in investment every year and create 213,000 green collar jobs, says the industry.
28 October, 2009
Renewable energy projects receive 5% of the financial assistance provided from 2001 to 2008.
28 October, 2009
Governors of six US states have approved a renewable energy blueprint for their region, and now want President Obama and Congress to support their development of these resources.
28 October, 2009
Renewable energy could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 2741 Mt by 2030 under accelerated environmental policies, according to the International Energy Agency.
26 October, 2009
Total sales of electricity from renewable energy facilities in the USA increased by 35% last year, dominated by an increase of 50% in sales of green power certificates to non-residential consumers.
26 October, 2009
The United States government should focus on the development of renewable energy as well as traditional energy sources, says one of the country’s more influential business groups.
23 October, 2009
Two Scottish firms, venture capital company Par Equity and consulting firm Senergy Alternative Energy, will launch a £50 million investment fund for renewable energy.
23 October, 2009
Canada's largest solar farm is now producing power in the township of Stone Mills, near Napanee.
21 October, 2009
LM Glasfiber, an independent manufacturer of blades for wind turbines, is to further expand its operations in China.
21 October, 2009
The International Solar Energy Society (ISES) has called for the use of feed-in tariffs worldwide at its solar world congress (SWC) in Johannesburg, South Africa.
21 October, 2009
First Solar, the solar photovoltaic (PV) modules manufacturer, has announced that the company’s common stock was added to the S&P 500 Index after the market closed on 15 October.
19 October, 2009
The Carbon Trust has called on UK renewable energy equipment suppliers to take advantage of a £2 million sales opportunity from its equipment scrappage scheme: The Big Business Refit.
19 October, 2009
SolarEdge, a solar PV company based in Israel says the GE Energy Financial Services division of General Electric has joined a US$23 million funding round to support growth in residential and large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) sites.
17 October, 2009
Twenty-six universities and colleges across the United States received a grading of A- for their use of renewable energy on campus.
16 October, 2009
Siemens AG is acquiring the solar thermal power company Solel Solar Systems Ltd for around US$418 million from Ecofin Ltd, a London based investment firm which specialises in the global utilities, energy and environmental sectors.
15 October, 2009
WindTronics plans to assemble residential and small commercial wind turbines, and conduct research and development in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
13 October, 2009
UK renewable energy provider Living Fuels, a subsidiary of AIM listed REG Bio-Power, is appealing to the UK Government to draw attention to discrepancies between renewable energy strategy and current UK legislation, which the company says is holding back renewable technologies like waste to energy.
13 October, 2009
Brunei, one of the world's top oil and gas producers, is venturing into alternative energy with the construction of Southeast Asia's largest solar power plant.
09 October, 2009
What were the top 5 stories at during September?
07 October, 2009
China has long since been criticised by the West as being intransigent on its response to climate change issues. But a new analysis by NGO Greenpeace compares various aspects of China's policy and energy landscape with that of the USA, and it reveals some interesting findings.
07 October, 2009
Final applications for the US renewable advanced manufacturing tax credit program - jointly run by the Treasury Department and the Department of Energy - are due to the DOE and IRS on 16 October 2009.
06 October, 2009
India is one of the latest countries to make the strategic move to a comprehensive system of feed-in tariffs to develop its renewable energy potential.
05 October, 2009
A decision issued recently by the Hawaiian Public Utilities Commission could generate new clean energy investment statewide.
03 October, 2009
The two organisations have sealed a deal for the joint development and construction of more than 50 MW of photovoltaic projects in Spain and Italy. A total investment of more than € 200 million is expected.
02 October, 2009
The European Commission's Joint Research Centre has published its eighth Annual Photovoltaics Status Report with some interesting findings...
02 October, 2009