The state government of South Australia has made two announcements to promote the use of renewable energy.
22 December, 2009
The use of renewable energy in Ireland expanded by 21% in 2008, according to the analytic report, ‘Energy in Ireland 1990-2008.’
22 December, 2009
Kyocera Corp will provide approximately 13 MW of solar modules for the Ohgishima solar power plant Mega Solar System, planned by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) with construction by Hitachi, Ltd.
21 December, 2009
Most people will be disappointed with the agreement reached between China, India, Brazil, South Africa and the United States at COP15 in Copenhagen last week, according to Steve Sawyer, Secretary General at the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).
21 December, 2009
Scotland can easily meet its targets for renewable energy and reach 300% of its target by 2020 if all pending schemes are approved.
21 December, 2009
First Solar Inc is expanding by adding 8 production lines in Malaysia in 2010 to satisfy a global contracted and advanced pipeline of over 6 GW.
20 December, 2009
An opinion survey in Australia has shown overwhelming public support for the government to focus support on wind, solar and other renewable energy sources.
18 December, 2009
Italy and France are moving the European solar photovoltaic (PV) industry forward by contributing significant growth in the near term in the wake of the slowing in the Spanish market, says analyst Emerging Energy Research (EER).
18 December, 2009
China is now one of the top two most attractive locations in the world in which to invest in renewable energy projects, according to Ernst & Young's latest global renewable energy country attractiveness indices.
18 December, 2009
New legislation in the United States will create 253,000 jobs in power generation from renewable energy systems, and could add 469,000 more jobs, according to a report.
18 December, 2009
A new financing structure for solar photovoltaic (PV) projects in France and Italy will receive financial assistance from the European Investment Bank (EIB).
18 December, 2009
The International Renewable Energy Alliance (REN Alliance) has called for renewable energy to be at the forefront of the post-2012 climate action regime in its COP15 policy statement.
17 December, 2009
The world must invest in renewable energy and other low-carbon energy sources immediately, because every year of delay adds US$500 billion to the cost of protecting the global environment, says the head of the International Energy Agency (IEA).
16 December, 2009
Two dozen solar energy associations from around the world have told the United Nations at COP15 in Copenhagen that a significant portion of GHG emissions could be eliminated through an accelerated deployment of solar energy.
15 December, 2009
Check out what our bloggers have to report...
15 December, 2009
The CDM executive board rejected 10 proposed Chinese wind energy projects on the grounds of lack of consistency with the CDM additionality criterion at the beginning of December, causing the wind industry to react with disbelief.
15 December, 2009
President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives has called for massive investment in renewable energy and green technologies to address climate change – and to save countries like the Maldives.
15 December, 2009
A ‘fund of funds’ sponsored by the European Commission will invest €12.5 million into a renewable energy fund for Asia.
15 December, 2009
The United States has launched a US$350m ‘Renewables & Efficiency Deployment Initiative’ (Climate REDI) to accelerate deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in developing countries at COP15 in Copenhagen.
15 December, 2009
The consumption of solar electricity will grow by more than 14% per year over the next quarter century in the United States, according to the latest forecast from the Department of Energy (DoE).
15 December, 2009
Governments need to establish regulatory and policy frameworks providing transparency, longevity and certainty to climate change and renewable energy investors, according to Kevin Parker, Global Head of Deutsche Bank’s Asset Management division.
14 December, 2009
Cities in Europe are leaders in environmental performance, but they have a long way to go in the adoption of renewable energy, according to the ‘European Green City Index.’
14 December, 2009
The European Commission has granted €1.5 billion to offshore wind farms and carbon capture & storage (CCS) schemes that will relaunch Europe’s economy and reduce its GHG emissions.
14 December, 2009
A global survey of 24,071 adults around the world shows majority support for government investments in renewable energy to address climate change.
13 December, 2009
The international agreements being negotiated in Copenhagen “will propel all of us forward in the clean energy economy,” the US Secretary of the Interior has assured delegates to the UN conference on climate change, COP15, in Copenhagen.
11 December, 2009
The British government has released its pre-budget report which provides substantial new funding to renewable energy and other low-carbon options.
11 December, 2009
United Technologies Corporation (UTC) is investing £126.5 million into Clipper Windpower Plc and intends to reach ownership of 49.5% of Clipper.
10 December, 2009
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has agreed to provide €300 million for the construction of the 1 GW BritNed Interconnector, a new electricity transmission cable between the UK and the Netherlands.
10 December, 2009
The number of municipalities which has signed onto the ‘Covenant of Mayors’ for sustainable and renewable energy has surpassed 1000 since its creation in February.
09 December, 2009
Leading Multilateral Development Banks (MDB) have committed to “further support” investment in projects and programmes in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transportation systems at COP15.
09 December, 2009
Every city in the world should undertake policy development to support the deployment of renewable energy, recommends a 200-page report from the International Energy Agency (IEA).
08 December, 2009
The International Energy Agency (IEA) will present “key findings” on renewable energy during the climate conference in Copenhagen.
07 December, 2009
The United States remains the most attractive country overall for renewable energy, but China has moved ahead of Germany to take second spot in the rankings released by Ernst & Young.
07 December, 2009
Europeans consider climate change to be the second-most serious problem facing the world today, but paying for green / renewable energy or installing solar panels or wind turbines are the least popular method to address the challenge.
04 December, 2009
All UK homes will have smart meters delivered by energy suppliers by the end of 2020 as part of UK’s plans to move towards smart grids, the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has announced.
03 December, 2009
The private sector is waiting to hear what targets world leaders will commit to at COP15and what mitigation actions developing countries will undertake, before making large investments in clean and renewable energy says Frost & Sullivan.
03 December, 2009
A smart electricity grid could lead to some stupid privacy decisions, according to a report issued by the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada.
01 December, 2009
The world will need to invest US$3.2 trillion if it is to generate 12% of electricity from wind power by 2050, and the International Energy Agency says there is “no fundamental barrier” to achieving that target or even exceeding it.
01 December, 2009
A coalition of 16 associations from around the world has issued a joint statement in Copenhagen, Denmark to underscore how hydrogen technologies can help to curb global greenhouse gas emissions.
01 December, 2009
The European Investment Bank (EIB) will lend €40m to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency projects across South Africa.
01 December, 2009
SeaRoc, a marine, engineering and offshore, is joining Natural Power, to form a renewable energy consultancy capable of providing end-to-end services globally for the industry both onshore and offshore.
01 December, 2009