SunPower has announced the completion of the 1 MW Uterne tracking solar power plant in Alice Springs.
29 July, 2011
The wind turbine manufacturer has posted preliminary results showing an increase in earnings and revenue.
28 July, 2011
UK companies with ideas to tackle climate change can now apply for Shell Springboard awards of up to £40,000.
27 July, 2011
The full-scale tidal power generator will begin operating in 2012, having secured funding from the EU and other sources.
22 July, 2011
The European Commission has launched 7 green certification schemes for biofuels.
22 July, 2011
The technology company is working on a device that could improve the UK smart grid.
21 July, 2011
Developer Q-Cells will sell the park to MCG Management Capital Group, and the turnkey handover will take place imminently.
20 July, 2011
The money will go towards developing the NSL Group’s wind, hydro and solar energy projects in India.
20 July, 2011
Munich Re and KKR have bought a stake in solar photovolatic (PV) producer Grupo T-Solar.
20 July, 2011
Companies use home energy plans and smart meters to improve energy efficiency for their UK customers.
20 July, 2011
The value and number of investment deals in the renewable sector dropped in Q1 2011, according to a new report.
19 July, 2011
The Atlantic Wind Connection project, which Elia has just joined, aims to develop the first offshore high voltage direct current system in the US.
19 July, 2011
In the UK, Carillion Plc has entered into a one-week, paid-for participation in the ITM Power Hydrogen On Site Trial. HOST comprises the operation of two hydrogen internal combustion engine Ford Transit vehicles, with hydrogen supplied by an HFuel® transportable high-pressure refueling unit.
18 July, 2011
Offshore wind developers have been assured of compensation on offshore leases
18 July, 2011
The technology and innovation centre for offshore wind, wave and tidal power is expected to open in summer 2012.
14 July, 2011
Topsoe Fuel Cell is expanding its solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack production facilities in Denmark. The company needs the extra production capacity because it expects demand to exceed its current capacity in 2013.
14 July, 2011
Renewable energy supplied 16% of global final energy consumption and almost 20% of electricity production in 2010, according to REN21.
13 July, 2011
The UK Government has published a Renewables Roadmap alongside its latest White Paper on the Electricity Market Reform (EMR).
13 July, 2011
The new project will feed heat from renewable sources into the public heating grid.
13 July, 2011
The bioenergy project will generate energy from sugarcane, ethanol and biomass.
13 July, 2011
Renewable energy will be a key part of the UK's forthcoming White Paper on electricity market reform.
12 July, 2011
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) will help target funding for renewable energy.
12 July, 2011
RenewableUK has created a new health and safety scheme to recognise outstanding performance in the renewable energy sector.
12 July, 2011
Two new projects have been launched to help reduce the impact of faults in electricity distribution networks in the UK.
12 July, 2011
The SolarWorld bond is likely to be listed on the Luxembourg stock exchange.
11 July, 2011
A new report predicts thousands of new jobs in wind and marine energy industries by 2021
11 July, 2011
Threats to the smart grid will be constantly changing and unpredictable, according to a new report on smart grid cyber security.
08 July, 2011
Global clean and renewable energy investment grow 32% reaching US$112 billion 2010, according to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).
08 July, 2011
Following 2010’s massive increase, the global solar photovoltaic (PV) inverter market is predicted to decline below US$6 billion in 2011, a fall of more than 10% according to IMS Research.
07 July, 2011
German-based P21 GmbH has secured a €100 000 order for a monitoring and data acquisition system, as part of a scientific PV systems testing platform at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research.
07 July, 2011
Changes to the German solar feed-in tariff will go ahead as planned, according to the recent agreement over the German Renewable Energy Law (EEG).
06 July, 2011
The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) is investing €3 million in 21 new clean energy projects in 17 countries.
05 July, 2011
UK’s main opposition party, Labour, is questioning the Government’s move to substantially cut solar feed-in tariffs for installations over 50 kW.
05 July, 2011
India’s first national solar policy is targeting 22 GW of installed solar capacity by 2022, 2 GW of which will be off-grid while the remaining 20 GW will be grid-connected.
04 July, 2011
Renewable energy provisionally accounted for 3.3% of energy consumption in the UK in 2010, and 25,734 GWh of electricity was generated from renewable energy sources.
01 July, 2011
After declining for two consecutive quarters, solar photovoltaic (PV) module shipments are set to recover strongly in the second half of 2011, according to IMS Research.
01 July, 2011
The Scottish Government has released its 2020 Routemap for 100% renewable electricity and 30% overall renewable energy in Scotland by 2020.
01 July, 2011