Suntech Power Holdings Co Ltd will build its first US solar module manufacturing plant in Goodyear, Arizona, USA
29 January, 2010
Engineering firm Mabey Bridge is investing £38 million in a Chepstow, Wales, factory to build and paint wind turbine towers.
29 January, 2010
As solar companies set up manufacturing facilities in Arizona, Clean Energy Pioneers says there are now job and revenue opportunities in the Arizonan solar industry.
29 January, 2010
The Renewable Energy Policy Network REN21, has launched a Renewables Interactive Map.
28 January, 2010
ACCIONA is the first company to register a wind energy facility in the USA under the requirements of the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS).
28 January, 2010
The governor of New York has requested 100 MW of solar electric capacity for the state, increasing current solar levels by 500%.
28 January, 2010
Financing of US$750m for concentrated solar power (CSP) will mobilise an additional US$5bn from other sources and support the deployment of 1 GW of CSP generating capacity.
27 January, 2010
The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) seeks comments whether rules, regulations, tariffs and industry practices act as barriers to variable and renewable energy.
27 January, 2010
Community groups in Wales can access £8 million to develop local renewable energy projects.
27 January, 2010
Intel Corp says new contracts are in place to incorporate 2.5 MW of solar electric projects at corporate locations in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Oregon, USA.
27 January, 2010
The Global Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Fund (GEEREF) will commit the funds to the ‘Evolution One Fund’ that is dedicated to clean energy investment in Southern Africa.
27 January, 2010
Duke Energy will add solar power to its commercial renewable energy portfolio through the acquisition of a solar electric facility under development in San Antonio, Texas.
27 January, 2010
The 1200 partners in the Green Power Partnership purchase 18 TWh of green power annually.
26 January, 2010
Wind energy generated 55.4 TWh of electricity in 2008, an increase of 60.7% from the 34.5 TWh in 2007, according to federal data.
26 January, 2010
Vancouver-based Ballard Power Systems has been awarded up to C$4.8 million (US$4.5 million) by Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), for a project to further develop its fuel cell power module technology for the transit bus market. Design improvements will be implemented on test buses to be operated in Metro Vancouver from the fourth quarter of 2010.
22 January, 2010
The German Minister for the Environment, Norbert Röttgen (CDU) says the feed-in tariff for solar electricity will be reduced – against the warnings from the industry – by a further 15%.
22 January, 2010
Five projects in the USA will receive US$20.5 million from the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act to support deployment of community-based renewable energy projects in wind energy, solar electric and biomass installations.
22 January, 2010
A consortium of Korean companies will invest C$7 billion to generate 2500 MW of wind energy and solar power in the province of Ontario, in a move that will create renewable energy 16,000 jobs.
22 January, 2010
Britain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will jointly fund £1 million for research into renewable energy policy.
21 January, 2010
The US Department of Energy (DoE) will, through its National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), invest up to US$12 million in four companies to support the development of early stage solar energy technologies and help them advance to full commercial scale.
21 January, 2010
Hazel Capital, a London-based cleantech investment manager, is launching the Hazel Global Cleantech Equity Fund, a Dublin-domiciled UCITS III fund.
21 January, 2010
The European Union and the Republic of Iraq have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) which includes renewable energy as one of three areas of cooperation.
21 January, 2010
Walmart has completed its largest solar power project at its Apple Valley distribution centre in southern California.
21 January, 2010
The integration of 20% from wind energy is technically feasible, but will require significant expansion of the transmission infrastructure and system operational changes in order for it to be realised, according to an analysis from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
20 January, 2010
Four community groups in Britain will share £1 million in prize money for reducing their carbon emissions by up to one-third in the past year through use of renewable energy and efficiency measures.
20 January, 2010
Toyota Motor Corporation has been awarded the 2010 Zayed Future Energy Prize for its third-generation Toyota Prius, the world’s first mass-produced hybrid vehicle.
20 January, 2010
Zero-emission cars, forklift vehicles, new fuel cell power units, and hydrogen production technology that will provide green energy, green jobs, and a green planet are all part of the Expo within the annual NHA Hydrogen Conference coming to Long Beach, California in May.
19 January, 2010
Up to 700 000 ‘green’ manufacturing jobs could be created in the global fuel cell industry over the next decade, according to the latest Industry Review, Fuel Cells: Sustainability from the analysts at Fuel Cell Today. The 2010 Industry Review was launched today at the World Future Energy Summit’s Expert Showcase Seminar in Abu Dhabi.
19 January, 2010
Wind energy could supply 12% of the world’s power by the middle of this century, up from the current 2%, according to a 'Wind Energy Roadmap' to be published soon by the International Energy Agency (IEA).
19 January, 2010
SolarWorld AG has successfully issued a bond with a volume of €400 million to strengthen its financial flexibility for continued international growth.
18 January, 2010
Enecsys Ltd, a manufacturer of solar photovoltaic (PV) micro-inverters, has received investment of £2.5 million (US$4.2m) from Good Energies, a global investor in renewable energy and energy efficiency industries.
15 January, 2010
Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s multi-faceted renewable energy company, and Schneider Electric, the global specialist in energy management, have entered a strategic partnership covering broad renewable energy partnership initiatives.
14 January, 2010
The government of Canada will invest C$146 million to support 19 clean and renewable energy projects which include solar, wind, tidal and geothermal energy.
13 January, 2010
A study commissioned by the Scottish Government highlights Scotland's location, natural resources, research and manufacturing bases as key advantages for developing renewable energy resources.
12 January, 2010
The National Hydrogen Association will hold its 21st annual NHA Hydrogen Conference & Expo this year in Long Beach, California from May 3–6, 2010 at the Long Beach Convention Center. The event is expected to attract more than 1500 attendees, and feature more than 150 speakers.
11 January, 2010
A wind farm in the Caribbean island of Dominica is one of the first three projects to receive US funding under the ‘Energy & Climate Partnership of the Americas’ announced by President Obama at the 2009 Summit of the Americas.
11 January, 2010
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) says its investments have contributed to the installation of 3 GW of electricity capacity from renewable energy facilities, and another 2.8 GW of green capacity from thermal renewable energy facilities which, combined, avoid the emission of 290 million tonnes of CO2 and indirect GHG reductions of 1.2 billion tonnes.
11 January, 2010
The US$2.3 billion in tax credits for clean energy manufacturing is being allocated on a competitive basis.
11 January, 2010
The UK's Crown Estate has announced the successful bidders for the exclusive Round 3 "Zone Development Agreements", which will take the development of up to 32GW of offshore wind farms through the consenting phase.
08 January, 2010
Funding will support a business support centre in northeastern England that will focus on advice and guidance to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) which want to develop micro-renewable technologies.
08 January, 2010
The ZBT Center for Fuel Cell Technology at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany has been awarded €380 000 (US$535 000) for its HiPerLoCo project, on the Development of High Performance and Low-Cost PEM Fuel Cells. ZBT will collaborate with the National Research Council Canada – Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation (NRC-IFCI) in Vancouver.
07 January, 2010
The siging of a political declaration in early December last year will see the countries cooperate on the development of a North Sea supergrid joining up clean energy projects scattered in and around the North Sea.
07 January, 2010
Ontario, Canada is helping General Electric Canada (GEC) improve productivity and energy efficiency at its Peterborough-based motor production facility.
07 January, 2010
American Superconductor Corporation (AMSC)'s wholly-owned AMSC Windtec subsidiary has signed a follow-on contract with China's Dongfang Turbine Co. Ltd. to design and jointly develop 5 MW full conversion wind turbines for the offshore wind power market.
07 January, 2010
Plans for a line of giant electricity pylons from the Scottish Highlands to central Scotland have been approved by the Scottish government.
07 January, 2010
The European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) have launched an initiative to help regional authorities invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives.
05 January, 2010
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says the projects represent 70,000 MW of capacity that will help the state meet its 2020 goal of one-third of power from renewables.
04 January, 2010
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued an announcement of funding opportunity for research that will produce fuels directly from sunlight.
04 January, 2010