AREVA Solar, CS Energy and Wind Prospect CWP’s 250 MW Solar Dawn has been selected as the preferred solar thermal power project in Round 1 of the Australian Government’s Solar Flagships Program.
22 June, 2011
Abengoa will build a concentrating solar power (CSP) plant in the Atacama Desert in Chile.
17 June, 2011
Australia's Clean Energy Council has welcomed a Government decision to honour support for household solar systems.
15 June, 2011
Abengoa is planning to develop a new CSP solar field for the Agua Prieta II power plant.
15 June, 2011
A solar system has been built by Solyndra on the roof of a Belgian Delhaize distribution centre
09 June, 2011
GE Energy and eSolar will cooperate on deploying integrated solar combined cycle (ISCC) technology under an investment and licensing agreement.
07 June, 2011