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- October 2012
Solar electricity News for October 2012
Teaming up with Marubeni Corporation and Marubeni Protechs Corporation, the company supplied 160kW of solar power systems to medical facilities in Tajikistan.
30 October, 2012
Oxford researchers have developed a photovoltaic (PV) technology that has the potential to deliver low cost, efficient solar cells that can be readily incorporated into glass building facades.
30 October, 2012
As energy demand rises and consumer electricity bills increase, more and more attention is turning to renewables.
26 October, 2012
The Ingecon EMS Plants, a new inverter concept for batteries, has been designed for large-scale solar PV plants and successfully tested at Acciona in Tudela (Navarre - Spain).
17 October, 2012
In recent months, the race has been on within the solar PV industry to determine which "smart module" - incorporating performance-enhancing capabilities of onboard power electronics - will be the first to achieve certification across Europe and the US.
17 October, 2012
The solar power plant, developed by juwi Solar, has an installed capacity of almost 20MW and will produce enough electricity to supply 5600 households.
16 October, 2012
Siliken will provide its solar modules to Kyushu Railway, one of the new companies within the Japan Railway Group.
16 October, 2012
As part of the restructuring plan, the company is temporarily shutting down half of its Fab 2 cell manufacturing plant and 20% of panel manufacturing in the Philippines to "significantly reduce inventory, lower operational costs and improve efficiency".
16 October, 2012
Australia’s Commonwealth Bank finances the purchase and becomes the country’s first financial institution to invest in large-scale solar.
12 October, 2012
The company has announced the launch of a new black laminate film designed to help make black solar panels cooler and more efficient.
11 October, 2012
One of the UK’s largest and most complex building-integrated solar PV systems has just gone live.
11 October, 2012
For the decade 2002 to 2011 there were some 4130 natural disasters globally, resulting in more than a million deaths and an economic loss of at least $1.195 trillion.
11 October, 2012
The company’s modules will be destined for a utility-scale solar plant in Hokkaido.
03 October, 2012
Georgia Power Company has proposed a 210MW 3 year initiative to create one of the largest voluntarily-developed solar portfolios by an investor-owned utility in the U.S.
03 October, 2012
Centinela Solar Energy LLC selected Fluor to work on its solar PV facility in California.
03 October, 2012