The 'father' of the dye-sensitised solar cell (DSC), Professor Michael Grätzel, is being awarded the 2012 Albert Einstein World Award of Science by the World Cultural Council.
29 February, 2012
The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) is funding three projects to widen clean energy access in rural Cambodia, Ethiopia and Tanzania.
28 February, 2012
Computer giant Apple is building a 20 MW solar array at its Maiden, North Carolina, data centre.
22 February, 2012
Suntech is the first solar photovoltaic (PV) module producer from China to be awarded the TOP BRAND PV label by EuPD Research.
20 February, 2012
ABB and FG Emvelo are teaming up to develop concentrating solar power (CSP) plants in Karoshoek Solar Valley in the Northern Cape province, South Africa.
17 February, 2012
Solar and wind energy assessment and forecasting company 3TIER is opening an EMEA office in the UK in response to increasing demand in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
07 February, 2012
India saw clean energy investments reach US$10.3 billion in 2011, 52% higher than 2010, and accounting for 4% of global clean energy investment, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
07 February, 2012
Siemens has appointed Shmuel Fledel as CEO of the Solar Thermal Energy Business Unit in the Solar & Hydro Division of Siemens Energy.
06 February, 2012
Tucson Electric Power (TEP) and AREVA Solar are partnering on a concentrated solar power (CSP) addition to TEP’s H. Wilson Sundt Generating Station in Tucson, AZ, USA.
01 February, 2012