Conergy AG’s Greek branch is building a 5 MW solar power station in Greece despite the current economic crisis in the country.
31 May, 2010
The China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (CECEP) will build a 5 MW utility-scale solar thin-film power plant in Inner Mongolia.
28 May, 2010
The world will install 107 GW of green power by 2035, up from 44 GW in 2007.
27 May, 2010
Alstom is investing up to US$55 million in solar thermal company BrightSource Energy Inc to enter the solar thermal energy market.
24 May, 2010
Azure Power and SunEdison will develop and construct a 15 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant in Gujarat, India.
23 May, 2010
That is the conclusion following a two-day conference on the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP) where representatives from 43 Mediterranean countries discussed the potential for solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity in the region.
21 May, 2010
German Phaesun GmbH have installed off-grid solar power plants for police barracks in Liberia in West Africa and trained Liberian electricians on site.
21 May, 2010
Dr. Andreas Bett and Dr. Frank Dimroth have been awarded the the 2010 Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize for their work developing multi-junction solar cells and concentrator modules.
19 May, 2010
Plug Into The Sun, a solar PV installation company has launched a scheme for investors to benefit from the UK's new Feed-in Tariff (FIT).
18 May, 2010
Siemens Energy is increasing its stake in the concentrating solar power (CSP) specialist Archimede Solar Energy Srl from 28% to 45%.
18 May, 2010
Solar energy will enable public football World Cup viewing in Oboadaka, Ghana, through the World Future council and Energiebau Sunergy Ghana Ltd.
17 May, 2010
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has released roadmaps for solar PV and concentrating solar power (CSP), predicting that the two solar technologies could generate 9000 TWh of green power in 2050.
12 May, 2010
Suntech Power Holdings Co Ltd, the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Silex Solar will research advanced technology to further improve the power conversion efficiencies of crystalline silicon solar cells.
12 May, 2010
The Australian Government will commit A$653 million over four years to establish a Renewable Energy Future Fund.
11 May, 2010
Conergy has sold two Italian solar parks with a power output of 1 MW each to Plain Energy GmbH.
10 May, 2010
SunPower Corp is building a 1.3 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant in the Lazio region of Italy for Solar Green Energy-SGE, a joint venture between EDF-EN Italia, a subsidiary of EDF Energies Nouvelles, and Emmecidue, an Italian project developer.
10 May, 2010
Solar thin-film manufacturer, First Solar, topped the rankings list for solar photovoltaic (PV) module suppliers in 2009, according to IMS Research.
10 May, 2010
Phoenix Solar AG will build two solar parks for SWT Stadtwerke Trier (city utility of Trier) in Germany totalling 7.8 MWp.
07 May, 2010
The Fraunhofer Centre for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP and Meier Solar Solutions GmbH, a producer of laminators for encapsulating solar modules, will cooperate on solar photovoltaics (PV).
06 May, 2010
Centrosolar recorded net earnings of €4.4 million in the first quarter of 2010, compared to a loss of €6.3m in Q1 2009.
05 May, 2010
SunEdison plans to complete 12, 1 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants in the province of Lecce, Apulia in Italy.
05 May, 2010
Thin-film solar cells have reached an efficiency of 20.1% at the Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung (Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research, ZSW) in Germany.
04 May, 2010
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) says its Asian solar energy initiative will generate 3 GW of solar power over the next three years.
04 May, 2010