Lightsource Renewable Energy, Europe’s leading solar energy company, has signed a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Belfast International Airport for the largest solar project to connect to a UK airport.
31 March, 2016
Today, on UN’s World Water Day, clean tech company Watly is set to open an Indiegogo campaign to fund their award-winning solar technology.
22 March, 2016
The International Energy Agency has released analysis showing that energy-related emissions of CO2 stalled for the second year in a row as renewable energy surged in 2015.
21 March, 2016
The electric vehicle revolution could turn out to be more dramatic than governments and oil companies have yet realized, according to new research.
08 March, 2016
High-level keynote speakers have been announced for the Fuel Cells Science and Technology 2016 conference, which will take place 13–14 April in Glasgow, UK.
02 March, 2016
The Government of Caribbean islands Antigua and Barbuda together with the UK-based clean energy provider PV Energy Limited has officially inaugurated the 3 MWp solar power plant at the V.C. Bird International Airport of Antigua.
02 March, 2016