General Electric (GE) and Glen Dimplex, a European home heating and appliance company, have signed a joint development agreement to accelerate the availability of smart grid technologies for European homes.
28 October, 2010
Oregon-based IdaTech, a leading developer and manufacturer of extended-run backup power fuel cell products, has acquired the assets of Plug Power’s GenSys® liquid petroleum gas (LPG) off-grid and GenCore® backup power stationary fuel cell product lines.
26 October, 2010
International Energy Agency (IEA) calculations based on preliminary data show that China has now overtaken the U.S. to become the world's largest energy user.
12 October, 2010
GE is acquiring Calnetix Power Solutions (CPS), which manufactures technology to generate electricity using the waste heat from industrial processes, in order to add to its biogas equipment unit.
04 October, 2010