EUROBAT, the Association of European Automotive and Industrial Battery Manufacturers, has published a call for the development of a '2030 Battery Strategy for Europe'.
28 February, 2017
The UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association has secured a dedicated inquiry into the role of hydrogen and fuel cells in a holistic energy system, by the Science and Technology Committee of the UK Parliament.
28 February, 2017
According to the International Energy Agency's latest study of New Zealand's energy policies, the past decade has seen New Zealand's growing energy needs outpacing improvements in energy efficiency, mainly because of the country's expanding economy and growing population.
27 February, 2017
The Israeli fuel cell developer and manufacturer GenCell has announced a strategic partnership with San Diego Gas & Electric in California, which has been working alongside GenCell to test how fuel cells can contribute to its efforts to be the cleanest, most reliable energy company in the US.
10 February, 2017