Features for November 2013
Felicity Carus discusses the repercussions of California's Assembly Bill 327, which could spell profound changes to the solar industry.
28 November, 2013
Part 2: In this series of articles we examine the recent history of the Solar Photovoltaic industry, as well as look forward to 2014.
28 November, 2013
While anareobic digestion projects primarily consist of small-scale applications, this energy alternative still represents an important part of a holistic "environmental" solution.
26 November, 2013
The offshore wind industry hit media headlines in the UK today (26 November 2013) after German firm RWE Innogy scrapped plans for the 240-turbine 1.2GW Atlantic Array wind farm in the Bristol Channel.
26 November, 2013
Objections from the aviation sector delay hundreds of MW of wind developments. But credible solutions to address radar issues are starting to reach maturity.
20 November, 2013
Wind turbine gearbox failures can result in high repair costs plus lost revenue due to downtime. Even where there are no failures, gearboxes are likely to need overhaul at some stage.
20 November, 2013
In the first of a series of posts related to PV quality research and standards, Dave Williams introduces us to some of the US organisation’s important work in this area…
19 November, 2013
Part 1: In this series of articles we examine the recent history of the Solar Photovoltaic industry, as well as look forward to 2014. In our first few articles to set the scene we look back to how the PV industry fared in 2012.
18 November, 2013
Special report. Part seven: Average year of growth for geothermal but vast potential...
18 November, 2013
Special report. Part six: US dominated the electricity from biomass world market in 2012
18 November, 2013
Comprehensive report offers policy recommendations for the nation’s energy future.
05 November, 2013