An all British consortium has been given the green light to develop a unique vertical axis winged aero-generator turbine, with substantial funding from the Energy Technologies Institute (ETi).
27 August, 2009
Neighbourhoods that run entirely on direct current - rather than alternating current - could produce the power grids of the future. Ben Todd of Fuel Cell Today investigates.
13 August, 2009
At every meeting I attend the wind advocates complain that the utilities do not understand the importance of wind to the economy and climate change. They focus on the fact that they are the most commercially viable clean energy source available today. That the industry needs them and that the wind machines are very reliable. In all cases they are right, but it is time for them to cool it.
10 August, 2009
What could a raft of potential new CO2 iniatives in the USA mean for the country's Ethanol industry?
10 August, 2009
This week India launched a major solar initiative - the National Solar Plan: Our India correspondent sets out the highlights.
07 August, 2009
Solar energy is regarded as a green technology, but what happens to solar panels once they reach the end of their lifetime? Renewable Energy Focus' Kari Larsen investigates.
03 August, 2009
A number of factors are making Romania emerge as an attractive and alternative location for renewable energy investors who are increasingly concerned about lower returns from more established markets in the Western European countries. Loredana Mihailescu explores.
01 August, 2009
It is important from a cost standpoint to check the quality of incoming wafers and cells before they reach the production process. For example, reducing the occurrence of micro cracks, which cause wafer and cell breakage during production can save money. Michael van Dooren, of test equipment manufacturer RUV Systems, explains.
01 August, 2009
Solar thermal heating and cooling attracts less media attention and R&D funding than the more glamorous "high-tech" solar PV. Yet, this low profile player dominates the solar renewables market, accounting for 84%- as opposed to solar PV's 14%- according to Jes Donneborg, ceo of Denmark's Arcon Solvarme A/S. How can this be so and what are the prospects for solar thermal now?
01 August, 2009