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- December 2011
Bioenergy News for December 2011
Ameresco Inc has received a Final Acceptance Certificate from the United States Department of Energy (DoE) Savannah River Operations Office for the completion of construction of the DoE Savannah River Site (SRS) 20 MW Biomass Cogeneration Facility (BCF).
30 December, 2011
According to media reports, the company is finding it tough to "make money" from solar.
22 December, 2011
The World Bioenergy Award, presented every two years, has given a lift to the work of the Brazilian researcher Laércio Couto, whose team has been studying the use of eucalyptus for bioenergy.
21 December, 2011
US-based FuelCell Energy has announced a partnership with Abengoa in Spain to develop localized stationary fuel cell power plants for markets in Europe and Latin America. The partners will also install a 300 kW pilot project at the Abengoa headquarters in Seville.
13 December, 2011
Wood crop specialist FuturaGene has established its first biomass research and development centre in Shanghai, China, to help the country “meet its demand for sustainable fibre production and renewable energy sources.”
13 December, 2011
The UK could meet 10% of its energy demand using sustainable bionergy, but the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) warns that the use of bioenergy is still controversial.
12 December, 2011
Up to one fifth of global energy could be provided by biomass without damaging food production, according to a report from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC).
09 December, 2011
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) has started a project to extract biofuel from sago waste through its Sago Research Centre.
08 December, 2011
Doosan Power Systems has acquired the majority stake in AE&E Lentjes GmbH, which delivers process and plant engineering, boiler and environmental technologies as well as components for thermal power generation and energy-from-waste biomass plants.
07 December, 2011
The UK’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) has now opened to applicants, providing payments for heat generated from renewable technologies including biomass boilers, solar thermal equipment and heat pumps installed since 15 July 2009.
02 December, 2011