Biofuel capacity could expand to 53 billion gallons in 2015, representing an annual growth of 7.8%, while bio-based materials boom to 8.1 million tonnes with an annual growth of 17.7%, according to Lux Research.
25 October, 2010
Researchers at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences at Aas, Norway, claim to have broken the code for hyper-effective production of biofuels.
11 October, 2010
The CBI is calling for the UK Government to encourage the use of non-recyclable waste to meet the country’s energy needs.
11 October, 2010
New insight into the structure of switchgrass and poplars is fueling discussions that could result in more efficient methods to turn biomass into biofuel.
08 October, 2010
A consortium of research institutes, universities and industrial partners are looking for microorganisms with enzymes that could help process lignocellulosic biomass into biofuel.
06 October, 2010