With major construction and infrastructure development companies, including those in the renewable energy sector, increasingly expanding their footprints into countries far from their home markets, Stephen Watson and Javier Serra from Arthur D. Little give some essential advice for successfully managing third-party risk.
21 December, 2015
In the second part of her series, Rachel Parkes contemplates what’s next for Japan’s power industry and considers whether renewable energy could play a bigger part in its future.
11 December, 2015
In the wake of the Fukushima disaster Japan has looked to renewables to fill the gap left by nuclear. But with a nuclear re-start now looming, is Japan’s resolve wavering? Rachel Parkes reports in the first of a two-part series.
08 December, 2015
The final part in our World-Market Status special report – The global wind market established a new record in 2014 with more than 51 GW of newly installed capacity worldwide, exceeding the previous 2012 record by 15%.
01 December, 2015