Denmark is proud of its heritage when it comes to pushing forward the use of alternative energy solutions, and is all set to host the make or break un climate change conference (COP 15) in 2009. renewable energy focus assistant editor Kari Larsen saw some of the Danish projects for herself.
19 July, 2008
It has been a rollercoaster ride for the NEX since its slide at the beginning of 2008, but the months of April and May saw investors again keen on solar, wind and power storage, reports New Energy Finance's Tom Greenwood.
01 July, 2008
The last few years has seen investors flock towards early stage companies in 'cleantech', doling out healthy wads with abandon. But as the risk of the 'b' word has begun to encourage a far more critical eye, what do companies need to demonstrate to get their hands on the cheque?
01 July, 2008
GWEC's intrepid secretary general heads back to China for two high profile events, and peers into the muddy waters obscuring China's long term energy vision.
01 July, 2008
Part three: Where does the renewable energy industry fit into the mandatory and voluntary carbon reduction schemes? Bill Eggertson reports.
01 July, 2008
This article looks introduces an interesting aspect of concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) technology, namely solar dishes.
01 July, 2008