The solid block of support for nuclear power among French elites is showing signs of strain. In an unusual development, Parisian newspaper Liberation published two side-by-side articles about French political figures on the right who question nuclear power in the wake of the Italian referendum on new nuclear plants.
22 June, 2011
Securing the green light for a wind farm is one of the biggest challenges any developer will face. So how can developers give themselves the best chance?
21 June, 2011
With the backdrop of the COP15 failure in Copenhagen, expectations going into the recent UNFCCC COP16 talks in Cancún, Mexico, were extremely low, with few believing there would be a significant outcome. And after the chaotic failure in Copenhagen the year before, many observers had already pronounced the multilateral approach to combating climate change ‘dead’, and did not think it could be revived.
17 June, 2011
California reached a landmark achievement last year by hitting a keystone renewable energy target just before Christmas, raising hopes of a prosperous new year for investors, project developers and manufacturers.
16 June, 2011
As pressure builds on Australia’s Federal coalition Government to get its climate change policy into shape once and for all. Gail Rajgor reports on the state of the country’s renewable energy market.
08 June, 2011
With it the end of an extraordinary decade for solar photovoltaics (PV), reports Navigant’s Paula Mints, who concentrates on the marketplace in this solar PV roundup article.
06 June, 2011
June 2011: Our new column, written by the Energy Industries Council (EIC), reports on the latest renewable energy projects and key project developments – from Brazil to Zambia.
01 June, 2011