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UK feed-in tariffs announced

The UK Government has announced its feed-in tariffs for small scale renewable and low carbon electricity starting from 1 April.

In addition to the renewable energy feed-in tariffs, the Department of Energy and Climate Change also published a blueprint for low carbon heating technologies to be introduced in 2011 – a supposed world first.

Feed-in tariff

The feed-in tariff will be available to householders and communities installing low carbon and renewable electricity technology such as solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and wind turbines up to 5 MW.

Solar PV example

A typical 2.5 kW solar PV installation could offer homeowners a reward of up to £900 and save an additional £140 on their electricity bill.

Owners will be paid for electricity – even if they consume it themselves, and a further payment will be given for any electricity fed into the grid.

The renewable energy feed-in tariff will apply to installations commissioned since July 2009 when the policy was announced.

Owners can apply for the renewable and low carbon feed-in tariff from the electricity supplier from April 2010.

Renewable heat incentive

Ground source heat example

The installation of a ground source heat pump in an average semi-detached house with adequate insulation could be rewarded with £1000 a year, and lead to savings of £200 per year.

The scheme for renewable heat generation incentives, will come into force in April 2011, and guarantee payments for technologies such as ground source heat pumps, biomass boilers and air source heat pumps.

Download the documents on the right hand side of this page to get a full break-down of the feed-in tariff and heat incentive levels.


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Bioenergy  •  Energy efficiency  •  Energy infrastructure  •  Energy storage including Fuel cells  •  Geothermal  •  Green building  •  Other marine energy and hydropower  •  Photovoltaics (PV)  •  Policy, investment and markets  •  Solar electricity  •  Solar heating and cooling  •  Wave and tidal energy  •  Wind power