Biogas has now been fed into the Swedish transmission gas grid for the very first time. The Jordberga biogas plant, located outside Trelleborg, is the first in Sweden to use the grid for the distribution of gas.
This is a milestone for the transmission system operator Swedegas in the move towards increasing the proportion of biogas in the system. The companies behind the biogas plant are Swedish Biogas International, E.ON Gas, Skånska Biobränslebolaget and Nordic Sugar. Customers include the public transport company Skånetrafiken, which will use the biogas as fuel for its buses.
"This is an historic step towards sustainable readjustment,” said Lars Gustafsson, CEO of Swedegas. “The linking up of Jordberga is green news for Sweden, making biogas even more of a driving force in the switch to a carbon-neutral society."
Together with partners in seven countries in Europe, Swedegas has signed the Green Gas Commitment, which aims to have a 100% carbon-neutral gas supply by 2050. For Swedegas, this undertaking means that the gas in the Swedish grid will be 100% renewable.
The distribution of biogas in the grid is a result of effective collaboration within the Skåne Region. It increases the potential to achieve regional targets for climate-smart energy and provides vehicles and industry with improved conditions for switching to more renewable fuel sources.
Large-scale biogas production is crucial, for example, if the transport sector is to be assured of sufficient volumes of biogas to reduce its climate impact. The fact that gas can be transported in efficient, eco-friendly pipelines is essential if production is to be profitable.
Swedegas states that investment in large-scale production plants and infrastructure is necessary. "Through our investments we are helping Sweden to achieve the target of a fossil-free vehicle fleet by 2030,” Gustafsson added. “The fact that the biogas can be distributed in the grid is crucial to future investment initiatives."