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Solar device monitors power demand

Magellan Power has released Solar Gate, technology which could help those with large solar installations keep the energy they generate for their own use.

It was created due to high and growing solar penetration in Australian electricity grid systems, causing problems such as voltage regulation and peak demand. This has forced some electricity generators and distributors to impose limits on the amount of solar injection into their grid. This problem is more acute with larger PV installations.

The Solar Gate monitors the power demand of a local load and commands grid inverters to produce power equal to the local demand, in order to avoid injection of solar power into the grid. 

The Solar Gate can also facilitate the use of the unused available power by switching on auxiliary (non-essential) loads. “This is the first Australian device made of this kind, it is low cost, and it will assist in the further use of solar power in Australia,” said Magellan Power managing director Masoud Abshar.

The device is small enough to fit within a switchboard and is compatible with popular inverter brands.


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Energy storage including Fuel cells  •  Policy, investment and markets  •  Solar electricity