
CSP - is it time?

In our new blogs, Paula Mints reports back from the CSP Project Development USA Conference, and Elizabeth Block gives her take on the European Future Energy Forum (EFEF).

CSP - is it time?

Amid optimistic announcements for gigawatts of CSP installations over the next few years, stage whispers of the barriers this industry continues to face continue. At CSP Today’s Project Development conference held in Denver on October 25 and 26, Stephen Mullennix, Partner at U.S. Renewables Group, a renewable energy investment firm, said, “From the capital market perspective, CSP is at a critical point. Currently there is a 7.7 GW project pipeline, if the industry does not execute on it, capital markets will walk away." Click here to continue reading...

Leaks and politics enliven EFEF

Wow, another big conference in London. This time it’s the 2nd annual European Future Energy Forum, a Masdar-sponsored event that had its debut in Bilbao last year. And it lasts three whole days...more

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Bioenergy  •  Energy efficiency  •  Energy infrastructure  •  Energy storage including Fuel cells  •  Geothermal  •  Green building  •  Other marine energy and hydropower  •  Photovoltaics (PV)  •  Policy, investment and markets  •  Solar electricity  •  Solar heating and cooling  •  Wave and tidal energy  •  Wind power  •  World Future Energy Summit