A technique profiled in the study, and implemented using simple circuits and a thermocouple to sense temperature variations, enabled rapid MPPT for the PV systems in the study. And according to the research team, when used at large scale, the power from the thermocouple could be used as additional power.
19 May, 2017
A new Research paper accepted by the Journal presents a new prototype – a high-efficiency, high voltage gain DC-DC converter, which could be used with photovoltaic modules to increase output voltage in standalone or grid connected systems. In the study, a single switched high voltage gain DC-DC converter with a voltage gain of 10 is analysed, demonstrating low switching and conduction losses.
18 May, 2017
The study, using statistical evidence from Bhutan, and aimed at Policymakers, International Development Experts and people from developing countries, expands on the concept of an energy ladder - a hypothesis developed by Leach in 1992 - used to describe the way in which households will move to more sophisticated fuels as their economic status (incomes) improves...
02 May, 2017