Wind power Features for April 2015

Wind power Features Archive

The Electrical Grid and Renewable Energy: Creating a Stable Relationship

Electric utilities and grid operators face the challenge of integrating distributed energy into the mix without compromising the steady flow of necessary electric power. While utilities recognize that interruptions to the process are an inconvenience, they also acknowledge the need for change within the commercial distribution of electrical power. Takafumi Arai, chief specialist at Toshiba Smart Community, reports.

Renewable Energy Market Focus, Part II: Spotlight on Germany Renewable Energy Market Focus, Part II: Spotlight on Germany

In the follow-up to her feature on the state of the renewable energy market in Germany, Rachel Parkes talks to several industry experts about their outlook for clean-tech.

Renewable Energy Market Focus: Germany Renewable Energy Market Focus: Germany

Germany is one of the world’s biggest renewable energy markets, but concern about the rising cost of low-carbon subsidies has led the government to rethink its support for the industry. Rachel Parkes reports her findings in Part I of this feature.