New York: US$24m for renewable energy - Renewable Energy Focus


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New York: US$24m for renewable energy

New York governor David Paterson has awarded US$24 million in American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding to 206 renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.

The renewable energy and energy efficiency projects could assist 137 municipalities to reduce energy and operating costs by US$3.3m a year, and to fully return their initial investment in less than a decade.

Renewable energy and energy efficiency measures which receive funding include solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, solar thermal systems, small wind generators, high-efficiency biomass boilers, lighting and heating systems and controls, building envelope improvements and recycling programmes.

“These funds will provide our cities, towns and villages with critical resources needed to make long-term investments that will reduce energy costs and save taxpayer money,” says Paterson. “These projects will build on our efforts to invest in clean energy initiatives that will help put New Yorkers back to work, reduce our impact on the environment and cut local government costs.”

Projects are energy priorities for local municipalities

The renewable energy and energy efficiency projects were competitively selected through the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) programme and are projects which municipalities identified as local priorities to reduce energy costs and increase energy efficiency in buildings, transportation and waste management practices.

The New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) received 420 proposals and the primary selection criteria included technical viability, cost-effectiveness, demonstration of compliance with programme requirements, and cost sharing. Each awardee must successfully enter into contract and meet all ARRA requirements prior to funding being released.

“The federal stimulus programme is providing greatly-needed funding to help local governments reduce their energy costs while helping New York State reduce its overall energy consumption and GHG pollution,” says Francis Murray of NYSERDA.

“The clean energy measures this funding supports will create jobs and help meet Governor Paterson’s ambitious clean energy goals.”

45% from renewable energy and energy efficiency by 2015

The awards are part of New York’s goal of meeting 45% of the state’s energy needs through renewable energy and energy efficiency by 2015. Paterson’s ‘45 by 15’ programme is one of the most aggressive renewable energy initiatives in the United States and it is conservatively estimated that it will create 50,000 new jobs.

A full list of the renewable energy and energy efficiency projects can be found by downloading the pdf in the download box on the right hand side of this page.

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