REC produced the multicrystalline solar PV wafers from the latest wafer production lines in Norway, and ECN produced the cells and assembled the solar PV panel.
“We are pleased that our efforts in wafer technology development have allowed us to achieve this world record. Our previous joint REC / ECN record measurement was at 16.4% efficiency, and significant effort has gone in to reaching the 17% milestone," says REC’s SVP and CTO Erik Sauar.
"For ECN, it is most important to show our progress in industrially viable technology. The world record shows the enormous potential and we are certain that soon the first products will be available through our partners," adds Managing Director of ECN Ton Hoff.
The performance measurement result of the multicrystalline solar PV panels was recently officially confirmed by European Solar Test Installation (ESTI). The measurements were done under standard test conditions and represent aperture area efficiency.