Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farm partner Visser & Smith Marine Contracting is installing the ducts, say wind farm owners Statoil and Statkraft.
The 22km export cables will carry the power generated by the offshore wind farm to landfall, where they are to be connected to the onshore cable, now being installed by Carillion Plc.
The horizontal drilling will go under the beach and have a duct length of approximately 320m, with the last section extending out to sea which means the beach remains undisturbed throughout the cable installation, Statoil and Statkraft explain.
Onshore, a drilling rig and associated equipment are to be set up on the planned joining pit area behind the beach while offshore, a multi purpose vessel (MPV) will be moored to carry out the marine works for the Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farm. A team of divers will be used for the various underwater activities.
The 42m long MPV will be moored with up to four anchors marked with yellow buoys for positioning during activity at the drilling exit point.
The marine work on the offshore wind farm should be completed by mid-December, depending on weather conditions.