The package on clean and renewable energy initiative covers 7 areas, the US Department of Energy (DoE) says.
US - China Clean Energy Research Center
A US - China Clean Energy Research Center will be set up to facilitate joint research and development of clean and renewable energy technologies by teams of scientists and engineers from the United States and China, as well as serve as a clearinghouse to help researchers in each country.
The clean and renewable energy centre will be supported by public and private funding of at least US$150 million over five years, split evenly between the two countries.
Initial research priorities will be building energy efficiency, clean coal including carbon capture and storage, and clean vehicles.
US - China Electric Vehicles Initiative
This is building on the first-ever US - China Electric Vehicle Forum in September 2009, and the initiative will include joint standards development, demonstration projects in more than a dozen cities, technical road-mapping and public education projects.
US - China Energy Efficiency Action Plan
Under the energy efficiency plan, the USA and China will work together to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, industrial facilities, and consumer appliances.
US and Chinese officials will work together and with the private sector to develop energy efficient building codes and rating systems, benchmark industrial energy efficiency, train building inspectors and energy efficiency auditors for industrial facilities, harmonise test procedures and performance metrics for energy efficient consumer products, exchange best practices in energy efficient labelling systems, and convene a new US - China Energy Efficiency Forum to be held annually, rotating between the two countries.
US - China Renewable Energy Partnership
Under the Renewable Energy Partnership, the two countries will develop roadmaps for wide-spread renewable energy deployment in both countries. The renewable energy partnership will also provide technical and analytical resources to states and regions in both countries to support renewable energy deployment, and will facilitate state-to-state and region-to-region partnerships to share experience and best practices.
An Advanced Grid Working Group will bring together US and Chinese policymakers, regulators, industry leaders, and civil society to develop strategies for grid modernisation in both countries. A US - China Renewable Energy Forum will be held annually, rotating between the two countries.
US - China Energy Cooperation Program.
The programme will leverage private sector resources for project development work in China across a broad array of clean energy projects. More than 22 companies are founding members of the programme, and the ECP will include collaborative projects on renewable energy, smart grid, clean transportation, green building, clean coal, combined heat and power, and energy efficiency.
The initiatives also include cooperation on cleaner user of coal and shale gas.