According to the company the high energy and power density of the miniaturized energy storage relies on the new hybrid nanomaterial developed recently at VTT. This technology could open new possibilities for integrated mobile devices and is intended to pave the way for zero-power autonomous devices required for the future Internet of Things (IoT).
VTT’s research group has developed a hybrid nanomaterial electrode, which consists of porous silicon coated with a few nanometre thick titanium nitride layer by atomic layer deposition (ALD). This approach leads to a record large conductive surface in a small volume. Inclusion of ionic liquid in a micro channel formed in between two hybrid electrodes results in small but efficient energy storage.
Micro-supercapacitors can be integrated directly with active microelectronic devices to store electrical energy generated by different thermal, light and vibration energy harvesters and to supply the electrical energy when needed. This is important for autonomous sensor networks, wearable electronics and mobile electronics of the IoT.
VTT’s research group has integrated the new nanomaterial micro-supercapacitor energy storage directly inside a silicon chip. The demonstrated in-chip supercapacitor technology enables storing energy of as much as 0.2 joule and power generation of 2 watts on a one square centimetre silicon chip. At the same time it leaves the surface of the chip available for active integrated microcircuits and sensors.
VTT’s article on integrated energy storage will be published in Nano Energy magazine (Volume 26, August 2016, pages 340-345). The article can be read on Science Direct.