€30 million has been set aside to assist investments in battery storage connected to a photovoltaic installation and to the grid for the period up to the end of 2018. The measures are aimed to improve the system compatibility of installed battery technology. The promotion is valid for photovoltaic systems with less than 30 kWp power installed after December 2012, meaning retrofit systems are an integral part of the promotion.
The maximum power output of the PV system to the grid connection point must be limited to 50 % of installed peak capacity, while the remaining 50% can be used for storage.
First-movers reap the richest rewards, with the assistance funding initially set at 25% of the storage system price for the first three months of the programme but decreasing every six months (end of June and December) by 3 percentage points until 2018 when the programme finishes.
“The programme creates a further incentive boost for investment the battery storage market, which is Germany’s most investment-ready market in environmental technology right now,” said Tobias Rothacher, Senior Manager Renewable Energies, Germany Trade & Invest.
“The so-called ‘solar boom’ and the rapidly-rising share of Germany’s overall energy consumption from renewable sources is creating similar incentives and opportunities all the way along the value chain. With spring and summer on the way, it is set to be an interesting time in Germany’s photovoltaic and battery storage industries.”