Chile holds significant potential for renewable energy development, with a long-term shortage of power and industries which have a large power consumption, like mining. The wind and solar resource in Chile is plentiful, creating many opportunities for the growth of renewables like solar PV and wind power in the country.
SgurrEnergy’s international office manager, Molly Iliffe, said: “SgurrEnergy’s worldwide expertise combined with the in-country contacts and knowledge of our Chilean partners will be a strong combination to further develop the renewables industry in the country.”
Luis Ljubetic, Coener’s CEO, said: “This collaboration with SgurrEnergy will provide strength to our market offering and will enable us to bring a wider range of services to the developing Chilean renewables market".
Coener is a renewable energy consultancy, with over 15 years’ experience in providing engineering solutions to clients on projects in Chile. Mankuk is a consulting and management company focused on providing engineering, legal and environmental solutions to Chilean energy projects.