The first two certification buoys being tested by Oldbaum were deployed on March 8, 2015 offshore in the UK. The certification process involves full system checks, power communications and wind data acquisition to assess suitability for remote deployment for wind resource assessment. This process is in accordance with the Carbon Trust Offshore roadmap which was published for commercialacceptance of floating LiDAR technology.
Oldbaum will include this new offering as part of their ISO/ IEC 17025:2005 accreditation, which the company obtained in February 2010for calibrating and measuring cup anemometers. ISO 17025:2005 is a recognised standard for calibration and testing laboratories around the world.
"Data quality, and confidence in its accuracy, is key in the acceptance of new techniques in the wind industry," said Andy Oldroyd, technical director at Oldbaum. "Floating LiDAR has huge potential in helping to reduce project risk, development costs and ultimately the cost of energy for offshore wind projects.”
Oldbaum's services inclu9de: site assessment, expert advice on LiDAR and met masts, commissioning of wind measuring device, maintenance via expert field services, monitoring and decommissioning of a device, as well as wind data analysis. The company boasts a track record of more than 500,000 operating hours experience in remote sensing