Clean Energy Solutions Center forms collaboration with R20 Regions of Climate Action - Renewable Energy Focus

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Clean Energy Solutions Center forms collaboration with R20 Regions of Climate Action

Partnership created to support clean energy policy development by state and local governments around the world.

This agreement between Clean Energy Solutions Center and R20 Regions of Climate Action is made possible by a partnership between R20 and the US Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), which manages all Solutions Center activities. Under the terms of the agreement, the Clean Energy Solutions Center and R20 will work together to expand use of the Solutions Center's "Ask an Expert" service and other technical resources and training programs to support local actions to advance clean energy.

"The Clean Energy Solutions Center is excited about our collaboration with R20, as expanding the use of our Ask an Expert clean energy policy-assistance service among state, provincial and local governments is one of our top priorities," said Ron Benioff, manager of NREL's multilateral programs, including the Clean Energy Solutions Center. "We look forward to working closely with R20 to advance clean energy technologies and energy efficiency improvements in local communities — where deployment typically takes place."

Since the Solutions Center launched in 2011, its Ask an Expert service has assisted more than 70 countries and regional organizations around the world with clean energy policy design and implementation.

The Clean Energy Solutions Center, an initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial, serves as a worldwide resource for clean energy policy information and services. NREL coordinates activities with Solutions Center collaborators and partners and is also responsible for content development, service delivery, website design and maintenance, analysis, and all other products and services provided by the Solutions Center.

R20 Regions of Climate Action is a nonprofit organization working to help sub-national governments around the world develop low-carbon and climate-resilient economic development projects.

"One of the factors R20 addresses is the lack of awareness among national and sub-national politicians of the long-term political, technical and financial solutions for a sustainable and safe clean energy economy," said Christophe Nuttall, executive director of R20. "R20's collaboration with the Clean Energy Solutions Center will not only help raise this awareness, but also help our members reach their clean-energy targets."

NREL's partnership with R20 also encompasses collaboration with the Low Emissions Development Strategies Global Partnership — a global initiative that is also managed by NREL and is a key Solutions Center partner — which brings together more than 140 governmental and international institutions to advance low-emission development strategies.


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