Canadian Technology Accelerators
The Canadian Technology Accelerators (CTA) programme is sponsored by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, and administered by the consular trade commissioner in Colorado, USA. The CTA programme is focused on assisting Canadian technology companies in entering the US marketplace, while providing them with improved access to funding, customers, and networks of expertise.
With its eFlowTM system, PowerDisc is working to make fuel cells commercially competitive with fossil fuel engines, to replace one of the largest single sources of pollution and greenhouse gases with power generation technology that emits only water. Its R&D facilities are based in Vancouver – the global hub for fuel cell research and development – with the National Research Council of Canada, located at the University of British Columbia.
‘PowerDisc fuel cells enable substantial sustainable growth, given their performance and economic benefits,’ says company Chairman, Dr Andreas Truckenbrodt. ‘Participation in the CTA programme will provide a significant opportunity for the company to demonstrate to an international audience that the business case for the company’s fuel cells can be sustainable, without subsidies, in many applications.’
Clean16 recognition
PowerDisc also reports that its President and CEO, David Leger, has received a prestigious sustainability award – as one of Canada’s Clean16 for 2015 – in recognition of his contributions to the research and development of innovative proton-exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell technologies that provide significant economic and environmental advantages.
The Clean16 advisory committee recognised PowerDisc’s culture of innovation, coupled with a significant promise to make fuel cells a game changer for the industry and the environment.
Established and managed by Delta Management Group and Canada’s Clean50 organisation, the Clean16 is bestowed on leaders in 16 categories. It is part of the annual Clean50 awards, which recognise 50 individuals who are catalysts for driving sustainable development in Canada.