In both cases MT-Energie has been chosen to assess and carry out all works relating to the plant expansion, in some cases replacing components supplied by the previous technology supplier.
The 500kW AD plant on the Apsley Estate, which started operations in 2012, will be scaled up to generate a total output of 1100kWe and 2000 m3/h raw biogas, while the 400kW AD plant in Yorkshire will soon reach production of 1000kWe, expanding the actual stream of renewable energy produced on the farm.
The two revised AD projects follow quite different strategies for the expansion programme.
Thanks to the vicinity to gas infrastructure, at Apsley Farm it is proposed to integrate electricity production with gas-to-grid generation, thereby accessing the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) biomethane tariff. The feedstock will remain mainly of agricultural origin: grains, maize silage, energy beet and whole crop rye silage grown on the farms own land. On the other hand Clayton Hall Farm will increase the use of food waste as feedstock – they hope to reach 80% of the total substrate in this form, vs 20% from agricultural residues and purpose grown crops.
“These are the most recent expansion projects we are undertaking,” said Ben Donaldson, MT-Energie’s national sales manager. “However, we have received more and more requests from existing AD operators for extension or re-powering solutions which will reduce parasitic loads and plant downtime. When we look at the progression of an existing plant in terms of increasing size and output, minimum business and revenue interruption, flexibility and reliability are our key objectives.”