The Fuel Cells 2014 Science & Technology Conference will take place 3–4 April at the NH Grand Krasnapolsky Hotel in central Amsterdam. This biennial, research-oriented conference series is organised by Elsevier in collaboration with the Grove Steering Committee.
The conference will comprise a mix of plenary speakers and parallel technical sessions on a variety of key research and technology topics, as well as an extensive poster programme.
The conference opens on Thursday 3 April with a plenary talk by Bert De Colvenaer, Executive Director of the European Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU). He will then present the 2014 Grove Medal to Professor David Wilkinson of the University of British Columbia in Canada, in recognition of his long career and many contributions to fuel cell research, who will give a presentation on his work.
The rest of the morning will see plenary talks by Dr Mascha Smit, Team Leader R&D at Nedstack in the Netherlands; Niels Christiansen, Chief Innovation Officer at Topsoe Fuel Cell in Denmark; and Dr Balsu Lakshmanan, Lab Group Manager at General Motors in the US.
The parallel technical sessions in the afternoon cover PEMFC at cell/component level (with presentations from Canada, Switzerland, Japan, USA, Germany), and SOFC at cell/component level (from Canada, Italy, Switzerland, UK, Germany, Singapore, Russia). Poster viewing will run through the day, with poster presentations in the late afternoon.
On Friday 4 April the conference reconvenes with a plenary talk by Dr Nancy L. Garland, Technology Development Manager for the US Department of Energy. The rest of the morning is taken up with parallel sessions on PEMFC electrocatalysis (from Canada, France, UK), and Novel fuels and electrolytes (from France, Germany, Italy).
The afternoon has parallel sessions on Modelling & control (from Canada, Italy, UK, Germany, France, Netherlands), and on Systems & applications (from Canada, Germany, Netherlands, USA, Finland).
The conference is wrapped up with the Award of Poster Prizes, and presentation of the Conclusions from the Symposium.
Commercial opportunities
Exhibition and sponsorship opportunities are still available for Fuel Cells 2014 Science & Technology.
Supporting journals
The conference is supported by the world-leading Journal of Power Sources and the Fuel Cells Bulletin.