Early Bird registration is open until 11 February for the Fuel Cells 2014 Science & Technology Conference – A Grove Fuel Cell Event, which is being held at the NH Grand Krasnapolsky Hotel in central Amsterdam.
Fuel Cells 2014 Science & Technology will bring together leading researchers and technologists – working in critical areas such as new materials, degradation processes and systems engineering – to discuss the state-of-the-art, highlight new developments, and propose research priorities.
This well established international conference will benefit all those interested – including end-users – in the key research and development issues facing fuel cell science and technology, as well as related fields such as hydrogen generation and hydrogen storage.
The conference will feature oral presentations in the form of plenaries, keynotes and submitted papers, as well as an extensive poster programme. The Call for Abstracts has now closed, and the Steering Committee is reviewing abstracts in order to produce a wide-ranging programme, which will be announced shortly.
Commercial opportunities
Exhibition and sponsorship opportunities are available for Fuel Cells 2014 Science & Technology.
Supporting journals
The conference is supported by the world-leading Journal of Power Sources and the Fuel Cells Bulletin technology/business newsletter.