Currently, the installation of new waste to energy plants is increasing in regions with the highest population density and limited area, such as Western Europe, the Middle East and South Asia. At the same time, regions with developed economies and an existing installed base of waste to energy plants are expected to create vast modernization opportunities by 2016.
“Landfilling of waste is no longer the economically sound process that it used to be a few years ago. Gate fees have risen considerably, leading market participants to explore competitive solutions," said
Frost & Sullivan research analyst Monika Chrusciak, who conducted the podcast. "WTE plants provide a waste treatment solutions which shift from limited recycling value to recycling with energy recovery. Successful operation of WTE plant relies on internal WTE plant economies, understanding of local conditions and also on an innovative business model."
“The WTE market’s future prospects highlight the need for increased collaboration among stakeholders to complement each other’s expertise and knowledge base in tapping future growth opportunities,” she added.