According to the European Wind Energy Association, binding EU targets for renewables have driven the wind energy sector to become a mainstream energy technology today:
"By giving investors certainty, a compulsory 2030 renewables target will allow the wind energy sector to continue to grow and provide green jobs and revenue at the lowest cost for Europe", commented Thomas Becker - CEO of the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), which set up the meeting in Madrid and is driving the wind energy sector's work on 2030 targets - together with Luis Polo, CEO of the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE), hosting the meeting.
The European Commission is due to make proposals on 2030 energy and climate policy by the end of the year.
The CEOs also shared their worries about the drastic changes to the framework for wind energy going on in Spain which may put at risk thousands of jobs and Spain's achievement of the 2020 target, and agreed the importance of both 2020 and 2030 targets in helping restore confidence in Europe.
New EWEA video shows the way to offshore success
In the run up to EWEA Offshore 2013 (taking place in Frankfurt, 19-21 November), EWEA’s policy experts are helping explain some key issues affecting the offshore wind industry.
As offshore wind picks up speed, huge challenges need to be overcome to create a cost-effective, job-creating, innovative offshore wind technology.
In this video (see above), two of EWEA’s policy experts give an overview of the key issues facing the offshore wind industry and explain how addressing these will drive the industry forward.