SolarReserve received the Solar Award for Excellence: Technology prize at the Solar Industry Awards ceremony on 1 October 2013 in France. The awards recognise companies that demonstrate excellence in technological development, innovation, product distinction and manufacturing processes across the solar market while reducing overall cost.
SolarReserve's concentrating solar power (CSP) technology uses integrated energy storage technology that utilizes liquid molten salt to both capture and store the sun's thermal energy until electricity is needed. Its CSP plants operate just like a conventional power generator and are an alternative to baseload coal, nuclear or natural gas burning electricity generation facilities.
SolarReserve's flagship project, the 110 megawatt Crescent Dunes plant near Tonopah, Nevada, USA, includes 10 hours of full-load integrated energy storage. Once completed, Crescent Dunes will be the first solar plant with fully integrated energy storage in the US and the largest plant of its kind in the world.