Renovalia – via its subsidiary Desarrollos Eólicos Mexicanos de Oaxaca – will build the wind farm. Gamesa’s contract covers the wind farm’s civil engineering and electrical work, the installation of 69 Gamesa 2.0 MW turbines and operation and maintenance (O&M) services for a period of five years, with an option to extend for another 5 years.Gamesa will deliver 10 turbines (20 MW) in 2013 and 128 MW in 2014. The commissioning is scheduled for the third quarter of 2014.
Gamesa has already installed 765 MW in Mexico. In Mexico, it is involved in the development and sale of wind farms activity as well as the supply, installation, operation and maintenance of wind turbines.
At June 2013, Latin America accounted for the 48% of the total MW sold by Gamesa.