The company can generate electricity on glass windows by spraying ultra-small, see-through solar cells in layers onto the surfaces. This SolarWindow technology is now in advanced product development and the company says that it now focused on the fabrication of large-scale mini-module SolarWindow devices, aiming for commercial deployment.
The latest developments have improved power conversion efficiency of each individual cell by two-fold compared to previous fabrication methods and reduced fabrication time from several days down to only a few hours. The transparency has also improved and the researchers have achieved d an aesthetically attractive, uniform coating onto glass.
“This latest breakthrough is an exciting testament to our ongoing efforts as we continuously work to improve the quality and performance of our SolarWindow mini-modules,” said John A Conklin, president and CEO of
New Energy Technologies Inc. “Moving forward, we remain devoutly focused on producing large surface area prototypes which are compatible with high-speed production methods, important to [the] commercialisation of SolarWindow.”
SolarWindow building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) technology is the world’s first-of-its-kind technology capable of generating electricity on see-through glass windows.