Atlantic Wind and Solar Inc. (AWSL) and Centripetal Dynamics Inc. (CDI) say they anticipate the opportunity to collaborate on 15-20 renewable energy projects, totalling approximately 800 MW.
Technology-focused AWSL has retained the services of CDI to support the design and implementation of the wind power interests for these projects in Canada. The parties report they will also be evaluating the Canadian market to determine if the Ontario region of Canada could provide a setting for a future CDI manufacturing plant for turbine blades, nacelles or other alternative energy components or sub systems. This would put AWSL at the forefront of implementing CDI turbines manufactured in Canada.
The Province of Ontario's new Feed-in-Tariff (FIT), North America's first guaranteed pricing structure, will offer Renewable Energy (RE) generators a stable, competitive price combined with a long term contract. Lucrative tariffs under the Province's "FIT" program greatly enhance the economics of RE-generated electricity, enabling the realisation of Ontario's huge RE potential by providing a strong incentive for rapid development of RE projects such as those anticipated by AWSL and CDI.