“Concentrating solar power costs are falling rapidly. Geothermal costs are already low,” says Roger Taylor, a researcher for renewable interest organisation DESERTEC-Australia. “Together or alone, solar and geothermal are better, more proven long-term deals for Australian consumers than 'clean' coal or 'next-generation' nuclear.”
The reason is differing 'rates of change' in prices. The price of hot dry rock geothermal and concentrating solar energy is falling rapidly due to innovation. The price of carbon capture and nuclear is not falling as rapidly - and is not expected to in the future, according to DESETEC.
“Australia has abundant solar and geothermal resources that can provide clean, more reliable energy for the economy,” Taylor says. “Concentrating solar power and geothermal exist today, and they have commercial operating records overseas and largely proven costs.”
“By contrast, 'clean coal' and 'next-generation' nuclear offer only fictitious costs, unproven technologies and dangerous disadvantages,” Taylor adds.
DESERTEC-Australia advocates developing large-scale solar, geothermal, wind and wave energy projects in interior Australia.