The anaerobic digestion plant will process biomass in the form of food waste to produce electricity, which will be used to power the works on site, some of the neighbouring industrial estates, and could also feed into the National Grid. The plant will also produce heat which can be used in district heating schemes.
In addition to energy, the process produces nutrient rich digestate which can be used as a liquid fertiliser.
Planning permission for the site has been awarded and applications for permits are underway. Initial waste streams to provide raw materials have also been secured. The target date for the site to be fully operational is April 2010.
HBS Construction Ltd (previously Henry Boot Scotland) and Monsal Ltd will provide technical advice and design and build the plant.
Scottish Water Waste Services’ Business Development Manager, Donald MacBrayne, says: “As part of this process - known as anaerobic digestion – gases are produced which can be harnessed to produce electricity. Everything from potato peelings to soggy old tea bags can be transformed into an efficient and environmentally friendly energy source.”