After permitting (currently underway) the pilot plant is expected to be in operation in early 2012.
The project consists of a solar boiler and its connection to the coal fired power plant. The solar boiler - that produces super-heated steam - is made up modules developed by Solar Power Group using its Fresnel Lens technology.
E-CL, GDF SUEZ’s electricity company in the northern electric system of Chile, will be the off-taker of the steam. Through the project, the power plant will reduce its consumption of coal, decrease its CO2 emissions and increase its fuel efficiency, according to a joint statement.
“This project is aligned with GDF SUEZ Group’s intention to incorporate renewable and clean energy in its own energy mix, as well as with the development of innovative and effective solutions for our clients”, indicates Jan Flachet, Head of GDF SUEZ Energy Latin America.
Count Jacques de Lalaing, founder and Managing Director of Solar Power Group, points out that “The inclusion of our solar boilers in the Mejillones plant is an important milestone on a path towards affordable clean energy production.”