The measurement of underwater noise, created during construction and operation of wind farms and tidal turbines, is an important component of any EIA and is vital to ensure the safety and longevity of marine wildlife and ensure compliance with licensing requirements.
The issue of underwater noise is becoming an increasingly important indicator in the UK Government’s legislated drive towards achieving ‘Good Environmental Status’, following the publication of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
“This new partnership brings a number of key advantages to the marine renewable energy industry and can be used by the wind, wave and tidal sectors,” says Mark Calverley, Consultancy Director of Fugro GEOS.
“Both organisations already have established track records within these sectors. By combining our extensive experience and expertise in technical system deployment, we are able to introduce cost-efficiencies, by offering a ‘one-stop’ solution.”
As a group, Fugro has a global offshore vessel capability, and the Fugro Renewables’ service to the marine renewable energy industry includes desktop and feasibility studies, site investigations, foundation design and engineering, metocean monitoring, and marine construction support, thus providing assistance and critical assurance through every stage of development from the planning, engineering and installation of assets to their operational management and maintenance.